7 Min Marketing With Pam Didner

214 - How To Navigate the (Not So) Big and Scary Martech Stack



A big hello from Raleigh, North Carolina. In today's episode of B2B Marketing & More, I explain how to set up an efficient and cohesive martech stack. I’ll guide your thinking approach and break down key steps that you can take to tackle this hairy issue. In this episode: What makes martech Stack complicated What is the best way to navigate the martech stack How to plan your martech budget How to build a martech stack Why and how to include paid media in your marketing Quotes from the episode: "Knowing your business objectives and the marketing channels you want to use, and the success metrics you’re looking for will all go a long way on Martech Stack building. " "You can grow your business organically to some extent. However, at some point, you will hit the ceiling. If you need to grow, you need to do paid advertising, which means paid search, paid ads, or even paid sponsors." ————— If you want to chat, reach out to any social media channels or email me at hello@pamdidner.com. You can also join my Face