On The Brink With Andi Simon

314: George Swisher—What Can AI Do To Help Your Company Change?



Hear how your organization should embrace change to grow   George Swisher is a former marketing entrepreneur and management consultant. He has a 15-year track record of improving company performance and shifting cultures to effective change management. He currently is co-founder and CEO of www.changeforce.ai, a software platform that helps leaders manage organizational change more precisely by analyzing the sentiment of company conversations in real time. A really interesting platform. Remember, I'm a corporate anthropologist who, like George, helps companies change, so I loved this interview. So will you. Watch and listen to our conversation here When you begin to change, things aren't all changing at the same time And you're not quite sure if it's moving at all, and sometimes you're moving a battleship with an oar. You're just hoping it's moving somewhere. But the technology which George has developed can identify where a culture is moving, which areas are strong and which are not.  First, he gathers data