Bombshell Business Podcast With Amber Hurdle

How to Be Beyonce Confident to Close More Sales (121)



Want to gain more confidence in your sales and ask for your worth with ease? I’d say you likely do, because according to our guest, Dr. Naieema Jackson, less than 10% of women-owned businesses ever experience a six-figure income year! What?  How do we fix this? We “slay!” Yep, Dr. Naieema offers her signature SLAY system for closing more sales with ease: S-Sales: Understand the psychology behind sales. L-Language: Know your ideal client and use the words that they use in your sales copy. A-Automate: Create a way to nurture your prospects in a meaningful way. Y-Your Offers: Build your offer suite of no more than 3 offers that are positioned in a premium way. Dr. Naieema’s back story on choosing to lay down the identity she thought society required of her and instead step into her true identity and purpose is enlightening. In our conversation she shares how assessments fast tracked her to understanding she is a natural salesperson, which is why she shares that your success always begins with self-awar