On The Brink With Andi Simon

307: Rebecca Morrison—Women, Are You Ready To Find Your Happiness? Is It All Around You?



Hear how to find your own true happiness Each podcast is a story for our guest to share with you, our audience, so you can “see, feel and think” in new ways. Today’s podcast is with Rebecca “Becky” Morrison. She shares with you a recurring theme which we have found with many of our own clients: success is not what it is meant to be. Happiness, that thing we all aspire to achieve, is somewhere beyond the job, the career, and even the home life you have built for yourself and your family. But where is happiness? And how do you find it? Becky has great answers, which I know will speak to you. Watch and listen to our conversation here In our conversation, Becky and I talk about her discovering: Happiness is for every day, not just someday. Happiness is for everyone. You, yes YOU, were born to be happy. Happiness and challenge are NOT mutually exclusive. Happiness isn’t one-size-fits-all. You have your own happiness recipe which will change as your life does. Her recipe, captured in her book, The Happiness Reci