Everyday Jay Podcast

Episode 79 | Better Not Eat Spaghetti



Welcome to Episode 79 of Th Jay Sutton Show we pay our respects to Johnny Brown aka Bookman of Good Times. Then we get into the show talking about the latest with Netflix, Visa & MasterCard joining the fight against Russia and Putin, Brittany Griner being detained in Russia and the Congolese man who had to set the record straight when asked to join Ukraine in the fight against Russia (Video). Smokey Robinson raises a good point saying he rather be called a Black American instead of African American which leads to me telling the story of how Blacks were bought to America. Ryan Cooler detained for withdrawing money and simply being black in America. We break down the meaning of Elon Musk newborn daughter, Kelly Clarkson has to pay Ex-Husband big bucks. The Game being on Drink Champs, Power and Snow Fall updates. In sports Calvin Ridley suspended for gambling, Coach K loses last game at Cameron Indoors, The Boston Bomber re-sentenced. In Crazy News A mother threatens her childs school with loaded guns over mask