Girls Chase Podcast

Date Coach Series: Alek Rolstad



The higher your meet-to-lay ratio, the more of the women you meet end up in bed. What’s it take to RAISE your meet-to-lay ratio though… how do you get really, really good? In this webinar, we discuss the mechanics of good game with the most technically skilled pick up artist in the field today, Alek Rolstad. Alek has bedded hundreds of women across Europe and beyond with his patented Sex Talk Method and irresistibly seductive Sexual Prizing. He breaks down how he does it inside. As you listen, you’ll discover: • How lockdowns in Europe have affected Alek’s game (01:19) • How Alek’s bounced back quickly from lockdowns and laid new girls right away each time lockdowns are lifted (02:33) • Why do most guys who cold approach women have to deal with so much rejection? (04:53) • When girls reject guys they actually like (07:26) • On guys being either TOO sexual with women… or not nearly sexual ENOUGH (08:57) • The need for efficiency AND consistency in your sexual approach toward women (12:45) • Doing sex talk