Lithuanian Out Loud

Lithuanian Out Loud 0043 - Ačiū Už Viską Thanks For Everything



Hello there, welcome back to Lithuanian Out Loud, I’m Jack, who’s just learning the language but my wife Raminta is 100% Natural Lithuanian.  Just so you know, as of today we’ve had a little over 6,500 downloads of Lithuanian Out Loud episodes and that number just gets bigger and grows faster all the time.  We’re thrilled so many people are interested in the shows and we’re happy to give them to you for free.  So, if you’re enjoying the lessons and you’d like to give something back, please go to our page on iTunes and give us a review.  We don’t have any yet and we’d love to have some.  It’s the only present we want under our tree.  Will you do that for us? Have you seen the Lithuanian Language Lessons from the Sydney Lithuanian Information Centre or SLIC?  These are fun on-line lessons in the Lithuanian language created by Australian-Lithuanians and they’re free.  There are a total of 24 lessons and there are many audio clips you can access by clicking on a small piece of amber.  The lessons are also availab