Lithuanian Out Loud

Lithuanian Out Loud 0047 - Pabučiuok Mane Kiss Me



Hi there, this is Jack and welcome back to Lithuanian Out Loud where the month of January is sausis and the lessons are on the house!  And now, here’s my beautiful wife Raminta and she’s going to share with us some more Lithuanian culture.  Welcome back Raminta. Oh, thank you dear, I’m so happy to be back on Lithuanian Out Loud.  By now, we’re familiar with Perkūnas, the Lithuanian Thundergod.  One of his daughters was named Jūratė.  Her name comes from the word jūra which translates as, the sea.  Jūratė is the goddess of the sea, she rules the ocean, all sea life and she lived in an amber palace at the bottom of the Baltic Sea.  A fisherman named Kastytis was causing havoc.  He was tossing his nets into the sea and Jūratė went to demand he stop.  Once Jūratė saw Kastytis throwing his nets she fell in love with him and brought him back to her amber palace.  This made her father Perkūnas very angry.  He was angry because Jūratė was promised to marry Patrimpas, the God of Water.  Perkūnas destroyed the amber pa