Lithuanian Out Loud

Lithuanian Out Loud 0050 - Galininkas Accusative Case



Hi there, I’m Jack and I’m Romas and welcome back to Lithuanian Out Loud.  Here we are in a new month!  In English this month is called February.  In English we capitalize the first letter of the month, in Lithuanian you generally don’t.  The word February comes from the ancient Roman culture and the fact that in this month they held a purification ceremony or a februa.  The Lithuanian word for this month is vasaris, it comes from the word for summer or vasara.  In the month of vasaris the weather is starting to improve.  The days are longer, the nights are shorter, and people are starting to think forward to summer. The next time the sun warms your face imagine you’re being blessed by the Lithuanian sun goddess Saulė.  Saulė is the Lithuanian word for the Sun.  According to Britannica Online and Wikipedia, Saulė is also one of the most powerful and well known gods in the old Lithuanian religion.  She’s the goddess of life, nature and fertility.  Saulė is the protector of all who have had misfortune, especial