Lithuanian Out Loud

Lithuanian Out Loud 0077 - Suprasti To Understand



Hi there, I’m Raminta – Oh, you’re not Raminta.  Hi there, I’m Raminta and I’m Jack and welcome back to Lithuanian Out Loud where we offer the world the Lithuanian language. Hey!  We’re in a new month.  In English this month is called May, after the Greek goddess Maia.  The Romans associated Maia with their own goddess Bona Dea, the “good goddess."  She’s the goddess of fertility, virginity, and women. Bona Dea had festivals in this month.  In Lithuanian this month is called Gegužė.  Gegužė is derived from gegutė, the cuckoo bird. The call of the cuckoo tells everyone spring has arrived.  Woohoo!  Good news.  I’m ready for spring. France and Lithuania are the two most nuclear power dependant nations in the world.  In 2004, 80% of Lithuania’s electrical power came from nuclear power according to the Wikipedia page entitled, Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant. As a condition of joining the European Union, Lithuania agreed to close Ignalinos atominė elektrinė.  Why is Lithuania required to close it down?  Safety.  Unf