Lithuanian Out Loud

Lithuanian Out Loud 0167 - Naujas Kamuolys A New Ball



Naujas Kamuolys A New Ball   Hi there, this is Jack and welcome back to Lithuanian Out Loud.  Before we get to today’s episode I wanted to mention a couple of things.  As of today we have over 340,000 downloads of Lithuanian Out Loud episodes.  Awesome.  We’re over a third of the way to one million downloads.  Also, we’ve stopped using our voicemail, so don’t leave messages there anymore, we won’t get them.  Please send us comments at our email address   Listener Marina Farrell sent us an email telling us about a website called, “I Love Lithuania.”  You can go there, build your own page, upload photos, movies and music.  The intention of the site is for Lithuanian-Americans and Lithuanians to share.   We’ll post her web page address on Lithuanian Out Loud.   Okay, on with the program, enjoy!   singular  singular  plural  plural  neuter -as         -a          -i        -os      -a -us         -i           -ūs     -ios     -u -is