Nunhead American Radio With Lewis Schaffer

Voice of Americans with Lewis Schaffer of Nunhead 11th April 2011 with Near-Nunhead American David Randall-Goddard and English Comic and Nunheader Liam Mullone!



I don't want to judge this show, but Lisa Moyle, my lovely Co-Host, came into the show a bit tipsy, and it threw me. Coming from a family where both my grandfathers were drinkers (I know, you're saying "But Jews dont drink?!" Both my grandfathers drank which is maybe, just maybe, why I am the way I am?). Download Voice_of_Americans_11th_April_2011.mp3 Anyway, I am hypersensitive to decisions made under the influence. Irony is that I am involved in a business which relies on the customer (the audience) buying and consuming alcohol! And also moved to a country which loves their alcohol! The Show was still lovely, as we had the first appearance of Nunhead Comedian Liam Mullone, who used to work at the Times, and lives right near Randy Klein in Nunhead Heights. He may have an immigrant name but he is very, very English and very, very funny. Making a return appearance was Near-Nunhead American and Musician David Randall-Goddard, who is sooo American, compared with Lisa and my New York-t