Inc60 - Never Stop Learning

Introduction to SEO



We talked to Paul Cawley from Learn Inbound about Search Engine Optimisation (SEO). He tells us what is it, how to works and how can it work for your business. He takes us through the basics, he also answers to questions about: geo targeting, new tools and SEO relationship to social media. He highlights the things we can do with our website that will give us the quickest results. Here is a links to a few of the resources Paul mentioned in his SEO Podcast: Google Search Console - Google Search Console Google Page Speed - Google PageSpeed Insights Google Lighthouse Open Google Chrome Web Browser Right Click anywhere on the screen and hit inspect That opens the developer tools window on the bottom of the page. Click on the Audit Tab Google Keyword Tool - Keyword Planner Ask the Public -   As always please let us know what you think on twitter @incSixty, facebook or directly on our website   For more information on Paul, Inc60 and Learn Inbound se