Michael And Ivanka's Grand Podcast

Episode 192 - Minimum Viable Products



How well does something need to be before it’s ready to launch? How pretty does it need be? Michael is unlearning professional habits from years working for clients and allowing himself to release some janky stuff for market validation. Ivanka shares what happened on Ubuntu Phone and blows open the whole conversation to encompass the tradeoff between functionality, context and story telling.Streamed Live on https://twitch.tv/michaelforrest, Friday 14th Jan 2021---- Stuff we made ----Shoot - Clean Camera Feed http://clean.camera?ct=podSquares TV https://squares.tv?ct=podIvanka’s Blog https://ivanka.blog---- This Week's Links ----[1] Croatian Cleaning Bears - https://www.index.hr/magazin/clanak/od-18-igracaka-do-smeca-iz-juge-evo-cime-su-sve-zatrpane-hrvatske-sume/2330626.aspx [2] Brighton rough sleepers - https://www.galvanisebh.org/ [3] Delay Calculator Posts - https://squares.tv/obs and https://squares.tv/ecamm  [4] About Ubuntu Phone - https://ubuntu-touch.io/ [5] I Solved Admin &am