Beyond Busy

Mental Health at Work With James Routledge



My guest today is James Routledge. James is a mental health advocate and author of the book ‘Mental Health at Work’. After burning out when his first business failed at the age of 24, he founded Sanctus who are on a mission to help companies invest in the mental health of their employees. In this episode, James talks openly about his personal experiences. We also cover some of the myths of mental health: how to manage boundaries, how to question some of the conventional narratives on mental health and more. I asked James what the motivation was to be very open about his own mental health: Well, I didn't for so long. I definitely didn't grow up being open about how I felt or articulating my emotions. I suppose for me now I've experienced the power and the transformational change of taking the time to become aware of how I'm feeling, articulate it and share it with others… …and I've seen the benefit of that. It's changed the course of my life and taken my life in directions that I would