

Link to donate to the CPRA fundraiser for Parks & Recreation Professionals who lost their home in the Marshall Fire: Throughout the podcast, we've asked a consistent question: How can we raise the bar to make a positive difference in the communities in which we work?  But collectively as we've all reached the end of our ropes, we're all really, stinkin' tired.  And I'm starting to reject the idea of constantly needing MORE and BETTER.  What if we allowed ourselves to be okay, just this once, being RIGHT HERE.  And what if we allowed ourselves to lower the bar so that we could breathe, take up new hobbies, and be present with our families?  What if we rejected the notion that the next role, the next agency, the next version of myself would make me *THAT* much happier.  What if we STOPPED assigning so much worth as a human to our job title?  There is so much more to us than WHAT we do - so I'm going to spend more tim