I Love My Shepherd

Childhood Friendships



Question: How do we come to terms with the closure of a childhood friendship? What are ways to find contentment and peace when that friend no longer reaches out to us? Submitted by listener, Emily    our childhood BFFs Research moment: 1 in 10 friendships survive into adulthood   Children practice being a friend and there’s a learning curve. Children are learning how to be humans and learning relationship is part of that. Cultural misunderstandings – childhood friendships are backbones of our relational lives Research shows that having childhood friendships matters, but social support is what really has an impact longitudinally. Study with middle schoolers: http://www.llcsjournal.org/index.php/llcs/article/view/214 Learning the effort of friendship from models and mentors in our lives Naming the complexities of relationship for one another   Friendship sometimes lasts for a moment, a season, or a lifetime. Some friendships will end, every friendship doesn’t have to be a lifetime relationship The diff