Insights With Trent Munday

This Is The End. So Start. #1501



Yep. This is it. The last episode of Trent365! And the message I want to leave you with, as I depart is... Just Start! So often we talk ourselves out of starting something because we worry that it won't be any good, or that nobody will like it, or that you won't be able to keep it up. It doesn't matter. Just Start. If it sucks, make it better. If that's too hard, then stop.  It's ok to stop too. Whether you stick with it for a day, a week, or OVER 1,500 will learn from it. You will learn about the process. And you will learn about yourself. The one thing we are not getting any more of is time. And one of the most toxic emotions you can have is regret. You don't want to wake up one day and realise that you've run out of time and you regret not trying. So...Just Start. Thanks for the ride! #juststart #farewell #gratitude