On The Brink With Andi Simon

296: Vikrant Shaurya—Ready To Write Your Best-Selling Book? We Are Here to Help!



Learn how to publish your very own book!  Are you interested in learning how to write your first book, or maybe your second or third? Listen in today to hear what Vikrant Shaurya, founder of BestsellingBook.com, will teach us about how to write a bestseller. Enjoy the journey with him. You will hear all about my favorite topics: story creating and storytelling. As humans, we all have this wonderful and unique ability to create meaning through our stories, which we then turn into amazing realities that we share and also live. Why not tell your story? Send it along to us and let’s hear it. We'll put it in our podcast, too. Watch and listen to our conversation here Who is Vikrant Shaurya An internationally renowned book launch expert, Vikrant is the author of the #1 bestselling business book, How to Write a Bestseller: Become a Bestselling Author, Attract High-Value Clients, and Skyrocket Your Authority. His specialty is helping people publish their own books, even if they don’t have the time or skills to write