Rich Cleaner Podcast

Your Story of Transformation: Marketing Dynamite with Tim Paulson



In this episode, Timothy Paulson shares insights on “the Marketing Power of Having Your Own Story of Transformation.” Show Notes Joe Polish’s “Jet Ski Story.” Your “Story of Transformation” is one of the most valuable assets your business has. Steps for creating your “Story of Transformation” Where to use your “Story of Transformation.” People Mentioned Joe Polish Phillips Brooks Nightingale-Conant Gary Halbert Dan Kenney Audio Program mentioned Piranha Marketing: The Seven Success Multiplying Factors to Dominate Any Market You Enter by Joe Polish & Timothy Paulson Rich Cleaner is a program for Cleaners, Restorers and other entrepreneurs who want to take their business to a higher level of success. It’s the place you can go for collaboration, contribution, and connections.  Members get marketing strategies, business building tools, tactics for exponential growth and more.  It’s easy to join, and very affordable.  You can learn more about the Elite Cleaners at