When Harry Met Fatty

75. No Strings Attached (2011)



NO STRINGS ATTACHED, along with your retinas, after you see this piece of Rom Com! Dave and Noah delve into the Ashtray of Ashton Kutcher to retrieve the second "friends with benefits" movie of 2011. Ashton Kutcher is the son of a popular TV legend who has a habit of screwing the Kutch-dog's former girlfriends.  Ashton starts humping the nearest nurse who will take pity on him, namely Natalie Portman, who's taking a break from a life of Tom Cruise Control and Queen Padme Star Wars duties. They ask themselves the question of "can women and men be friends?" in the most intrestlingly way possible: by having copius amounts of sexual intercouse. The answer is, as always, what is your domestic box office gross gain? NO STRINGS ATTACHED, along with morals, candor and class!  Dave calls upon one of his Mr. Writer Bombastic friends to redo our logo.  Noah talks about how he got his mom drunk once to design the original podcast logo.  And we all take a pause to recognize the incredible endeavors of Mark Rapacz.