Beats, Beards & Brews

Jerry Cantrell, Honorable Mack Beard Oil, Hopititis & Boozy Pumpkin Beer



For the music review portion of the podcast, Dan and Eric dive into Jerry Cantrell's third solo album Brighten. It seems like the Alice in Chains' guitarist was in a happier place as he recorded this one and we're here for it. We're also here for Jerry's fancy hat collection. Jerry Cantrell songs previewed on this episode include: "Brighten" "Prism of Doubt" "Had to Know" Evan joins the recording just in time to drop a quick review of Cantrell's latest. Then Eric shares his thoughts on the Honorable Mack Beard Oil from The Bearded Mack Grooming Co. Is broccoli seed oil the missing link to a better beard? Tune in to find out! For the scent curious: The Honorable Mack has notes of Oud, Birch, Black Oud, Leather, Saffron, Jasmine, Tobacco, and Vanilla. You can view the full list of carrier oils on the website, as well. Finally, Eric and Evan catch Hopititis ... ah, no wait, they drink Hopititis and catch a buzz from this 9.2% abv Imperial IPA from 515 Brewing Co. in Des Moines, Iowa. Dan also makes a hard retu