Just Press Play

Wash Your Underwear



With the season almost upon us, we got a little esoteric in this episode. We talk about how nobody can be sad during preseason, Tiger looking fly and why he’s so engaging, and the curious way that sports evolves in our best and worst of the week (1:00). Then we break down which cover songs define the song, from Jimi changing Dylan’s mind about his own song to Clapton introducing Marley to the USA, to Lauryn Hill just belting poetry (32:18). We move on to stories about when the plan doesn’t quite go as intended (53:15), we hatch a plan to find out who’s watch is the better spy (1:04:06), and we try to lock down what kind of chicken ads should you expect to see on a Sunday (1:19:59). All that and more, this week on Just Press Play. Did we miss your favorite cover? Let us know on facebook or twitter or our website. Look out for a little extra episode later this week about the Cowboys watching the window close, who is the true king of pop, and does guitar mastery have anything to do with it, and who do you trust