New Solo

From Clicks to Clients: The Law Firm Marketing Funnel Explained



What does a law firm’s client intake process have to do with its advertising campaign? Everything. Law firm digital marketing expert Jason Marsh won’t even work with firms that don’t have their intake process nailed down. That’s because you can’t have a successful campaign without being able to sign a client successfully. Marsh tells host Adriana Linares that the intake process’s job is to stop a potential new client from searching for another lawyer. So before small firms begin ad campaigns, it’s critical to understand the entire customer journey from web click to being qualified as a lead and being signed as a paying client. Marsh and Linares discuss the client acquisition funnel and what lawyers need to know to create successful ad campaigns. Linares pins Marsh down on the average cost of a typical solo or small firm ad campaign. Jason Marsh is the founder of digital marketing agency MARSH8 Special thanks to our sponsors, Clio, Lawclerk, ROSS, and Alert Communications.