Beyond Busy

Overcoming your Fear of Public Speaking with Nick Gold



The challenges of public speaking, glossophobia (the fear of public speaking) and what it takes to become an in-demand thought leader and public speaker with the Managing Director of Speaker’s Corner, Nick Gold. His book is called "Speaking with Confidence". Nick starts by telling Graham how he got into the business of public speaking and the rise of TED talks and speakers.'Everyone had their smartphones and people were watching the 17-minute speeches of TED speakers came to the realization that actually, thought leadership and people who can deliver an amazing experience, is the new rock and roll. It became quite a sexy thing to be discussing ideas and concepts from experience you’ve had listening to speakers.'Anxiety and nerves have always been a challenge for new and experienced public speakers. One of the key elements to overcoming this, according to Nick, is creating a routine that takes you away from overthinking those nerves.'What you have to do is embrace those nerves and not feed them - to not feed t