Beyond Busy

Freelancer Survival Skills with Sarah Townsend



FreelanceHER100 ambassador and mentor, and author of the book ‘Survival Skills for Freelancers’, Sarah Townsend talks about the Pomodoro technique, how freelancing has changed over the years, curbing perfection and how important community is over competition. Graham and Sarah first talk about her 20 years of freelancing and what her freelancing journey has been like.'I wanted to achieve that perfect sort of idyllic balance that we all think about when we think about going freelance, the flexibility and the freedom to kind of do the things you love, and also to get paid good money for doing the work that you enjoy. Working from home and maintaining a balance between running a freelance business and being a mom can be a challenge.'Sarah covers the important topic of setting healthy boundaries and switching off.'Anne Lamott said "almost everything will work again if you reboot it, including if you reset it, turn it off and on again", you know, that kind of concept. And it’s so true because we rarely think to do