Beyond Busy

Rules of Online Meetings with Jackie Weaver



Overnight online sensation, Jackie Weaver, talks about meeting etiquette, workplace respect, standing orders and more in this latest Beyond Busy episode. Graham and Jackie start the podcast by talking about why the public was so fascinated by the online video that made Jackie famous.'My take on it is that I think there’s something inherent in us that makes us want to see fairness. I think if you think about all the injustices you've seen, somebody cutting in front of you in traffic, We’re not talking about huge world-changing things here. You know, where you didn’t get the pay rise at work, where somebody was rude and they got away with it, all those things, and we put up with them all the time. And at that moment, I think what you saw was justice. I think that’s my take on it... Either that or I’ve just become the nation’s favourite grandmother.'Jackie tells Graham that she finds this a wonderful opportunity to shed more light on council meetings.'I kind of feel I’m supposed to say it’s been surreal or confu