Beyond Busy

Changing Confidence with Lauren Currie



The guest of the new episode of Beyond Busy weekly podcast is Lauren Currie. Lauren is a serial entrepreneur with a background in service design and she is the CEO and founder of Upfront. An organization that’s helping women to tackle issues about confidence. She is one of the most interesting and articulate speakers on subjects of gender, race and diversity. In this episode we talk about empathy, curiosity, and what it meant to her to be awarded an OBE. The episode starts with the description of Lauren’s main activity right now - Upfront. She explains the mission of the company and how the organization can help. ‘UpFront is an organization on a mission to change confidence - not women. We were founded in 2017, we work with women all over the World to change their relationships with confidence. And we do that in three ways: one is through bonds. We have a six-week online course, the fourth bond starts in a couple of weeks. We also have membership space which is the global community bond for women who are real