Beyond Busy

Alien Thinking with Cyril Bouquet



This week's guest on Beyond Busy is Cyril Bouquet.Cyril is a co-author of the book called ‘Alien Thinking: The Unconventional Path to Breakthrough Ideas’. He is also a professor of Strategy and Innovation at the IMD Business School in Lausanne, Switzerland.Cyril has worked with a lot of big companies, e.g. UEFA, which welcomes the European Cup 2020 this year in 10 different countries.In this episode, we talk about productivity, how we can use our imagination in the working process and much more.The conversation starts with Cyril’s background experience and his interesting job title which is Professor of Strategy and Innovation.'If you would ask me when I was a kid what I’d like to do when I grow up, becoming a professor would be the last thing but somehow it was my destiny.'Cyril tells his fancy story of how he loved being a professor during his civil service time. Then the conversation moves to Cyril’s workday, how it usually looks like and how it looks now during the COVID-19 times.Also, Graham is intereste