Beyond Busy

The Power of Young Leaders with Perry Maddox



Welcome Perry Maddox, the guest of this week's episode of Beyond Busy podcast. Perry is the CEO of Restless Development, an international development charity that puts young people at the heart of change. His passion is helping other leaders to create change in this world. Over the years, he has led teams in more than 20 countries across 5 continents, and interviewed thousands of people for jobs, developed hundreds of senior leaders, and supported tens of thousands of diverse leaders to unleash change. He had led organisations from small grassroots outfits to complex, global organisations. The conversation starts off with Perry’s explanation of his work:'We are all about young leaders. What we do is we work with young leaders around the World to tackle problems that they think are most important. Like getting a job or taking care of the families. We work with young people to kinda make changes happen.' Graham also shares that his career had a lot of enabling young people into work. They discuss the difficulty