Beyond Busy

Creating Positive Change with Phoebe Benta



Phoebe Benta is the guest of this week's episode of Beyond Busy.Phoebe is the national president of JCI (Junior Chamber International). She's also the founder of North West Charity Awards and she also has a day job! Phoebe is a Global Digital Events Manager at Atos Medical.The conversation starts with Phoebe's background experience and JCI.'JCI – Junior Chamber International. We're a global nonprofit membership organization for young people, 18 to 40. And we have approximately 200,000 members across the world. JCI's mission is to provide development opportunities that empower young people to create positive change.'Graham then shares that he was involved in student volunteering.That leads the conversation on to empowering leaders: why it is important to learn by doing:'I think for me, from my experience with JCI, the learning by doing part in leadership, that's been absolutely amazing. And just given me a lot of different ways to try new roles without being like in a paid job, but you're actually doing these