Beyond Busy

How to succeed as a workparent, with Daisy Dowling



My guest today is Daisy Dowling. Daisy has worked in senior leadership roles on Wall Street and has now left that behind to start workparent helping companies to best support working parents. She's also the author of ‘Workparent: Thrive in your career while raising happy children’. So, if you have kids or you're thinking of having kids this episode and Daisy's book are for you. We talk about how to support working parents, which organizations do it well, what to do if your boss isn't so understanding. We talked about the Zeigarnik effect, how to think about money and also what it was like to leave the Lehman Brothers just before it collapsed in the 2008 crash plus much more.Daisy talked about how to set up a dialogue between a manager and a working parent: (What do you think organizations can do to support managers to change those practices and to, and to really make it more of an embedded cultural response?) "So one thing I always advise managers to do and listen, most of the managers who I ta