Beyond Busy

How to Deal With a Fast Changing World with Azeem Azhar



My guest today is Azeem Azhar. Azeem is a serial entrepreneur, a journalist, startup investor, technologist and is the founder of Exponential View, a weekly email with 200,000 subscribers including many of the leading lights in tech. His new book ‘Exponential’ is a fascinating look at how humans can learn to thrive in an age of accelerating technology.It really is a must-read for all of us right now. If we want to keep pace with the rapid changes happening right now and perhaps even more importantly, with what's to come. So in this episode, we talk about exponential technologies and it's not all about AI. Azeem talks us through what he calls the exponential gap.We also talk about the future of work, adapting to shifts in power, and whether he's optimistic or pessimistic for the future. We talked about what is the world of startup right now:Startups are super, super hard and the reason it's challenging is that no one knows the answer because you're building something that hasn't been built before. So not