Beyond Busy

Cycling Without Age with Ole Kassow



My guest today is Ole Kassow. Ole is a social entrepreneur based in Denmark and the founder of Cycling Without Age, a global movement that brings together volunteers to provide outdoor cycle rides to older people who would otherwise be stuck inside. Ole has also spent a lifetime experimenting with different ways to bring kindness into the world of work.In this episode, we talk about his journey creating Cycling Without Age and growing it to become a truly global organization. We also talk about the importance of intergenerational conversations, his experiments in slowness, why kindness is good for business and how his dad inspired his playful spirit. I think you're gonna love this one.Ole starts by telling us how Cycling Without Age was created:So I come out of a family with a dad who suffered from MS. He was very quick in a wheelchair. Actually, I know firsthand how lack of mobility can cause social isolation, loneliness and depression. There was one particular guy who just caught my attention and spurr