Contractor Success Map With Randal Dehart | Contractor Bookkeeping And Accounting Services

0026: Why Contractors Accept Credit Cards



Your Customers And Clients Want To Use Their Credit Cards For Construction Projects Unplanned Emergencies - Are stressful enough now add "how am I going to pay for this" to the mix increases the anxiety! For most people cash in short supply which leaves using a credit card, getting a bank loan or selling something to raise cash as their best options? For Example - Homeowner with leaking roof is going to get it fixed right away because rain water is damaging the interior of their home including some irreplaceable sentimental treasures including items passed down from parents and grandparents. Who Will They Call? - You I hope! If you are their contractor and they like and trust you very likely they will call you. Accepting All Credit Cards - Makes you the hero because they get instant financing and your Electronic Armored Car takes your money to the bank. Not accepting credit cards or worse yet only accepting Visa and MasterCard and not American Express makes people suspicious about the integrity of your cons