Contractor Success Map With Randal Dehart | Contractor Bookkeeping And Accounting Services

0027: Stop Borrowing Money At 18% And Lending At 0%



You Are Not A Bank - Never use your high interest credit cards and supplier accounts to provide financing to your customers in the form of providing a lot of labor, material, subcontractors and rental equipment hoping to get paid later on down the road. McDonalds Restaurants Earns - Massive profits and part of the reason is cash flow. I love their business model; customers order first, pay second and get food last. No invoicing, no waiting for the check to arrive and hoping it will clear the bank. They say just Show Me The Money! You Can Offer Financing - Accept credit cards! Get setup at a bank and/or credit union that will offer to loan your construction client's money for small projects under $25,000. They sign paperwork with the lender; you do the work and get paid. Accepting Credit And Debit - Cards is like having an "Electronic Armored Car" on standby 24 hours a day, seven days a week ready to take your money to your bank automatically. If your QuickBooks is setup properly an invoice can be emailed to