Riadi Club -

Do You Have a “Not To Do” List?



Welcome to This episode of The Riadi Club Podcast.   Does the idea of a Not To Do List seem strange?  Do you have one?  You should.  Most entrepreneurs don’t need to add more to their To Do list.  In this podcast, we talk about how important it is for entrepreneurs to focus on the activities around their Unique Ability.  Other activities belong on your Not To Do List for you to either eliminate, delegate, or automate.  In this episode, you’ll discover: That most entrepreneurs have too many things on their To Do List that is outside of their Unique Ability Why you want to spend 80% of your time working within your Unique Ability Why your Not To Do List is more important than your To Do List What kind of tasks belong on your Not To Do List The importance of delegating, eliminating, or automating tasks How to structure your work week so you have focus days and buffer days Why focusing on only 3 primary tasks each day and 3 priorities each week   Your call to action from this podcast Create a list of the thing