Riadi Club -

Are You Chasing The Sunset?



In this podcast episode, we talk specifically to entrepreneurs and highly ambitious people who have a sense of dissatisfaction or frustration.  While everything might look perfect to the outside world, entrepreneurs often have a sense of disenchantment – something we call “Chasing the sunset.”   We talk about the concept of the Gap and why it’s common for entrepreneurs who are measuring themselves against their ideals.  This podcast also includes discussion about three tools that can help you become happier and more fulfilled as an entrepreneur.     In this episode, you’ll discover:   More about what the discontent and frustration is and why you have it  Why some entrepreneurs are happy and fulfilled and others are not   Tools that can help you become a happier and more fulfilled entrepreneur   The concept of The Gap and the Gain   How an entrepreneur’s brain is different, and why self-awareness is important   In this episode, we’ll challenge you to:   Measure against specifics and no