Riadi Club -

Land The Plane (Part 7 of 7 – Your Big Dream)



What needs to happen so you can bring your big dream to reality?  How are you going to land the plane?  In this podcast, we challenge you with a series of really great questions that will give you the framework to land the plane that gets you to your destination.  This is the final podcast in the 7-part Your Big Dream season.      In this episode, you’ll learn:  A recap of the first 6 podcasts in the Your Big Dream season  Why it’s usually not a problem with our ambition or motivation that holds us back That not everything will go as plan but you can be prepared for that In this episode, we’ll challenge you to:  Go back and listen to all 7 parts of the Your Big Dream season and make time for yourself and your dreams  Ask yourself a series of questions about your dreams and ambitions    More information  If you haven’t already, tune in to the first podcast in the Your Big Dream series, Set Absurd Expectations   Dream Big: Know What You Want, Why You Want It, and What You’re Going to Do About It by Bob Go