Commerce Now

Please Mind the (Brick and Mortar) Gap



Podcast Summary: Physical storefronts are evolving. Our notions of the traditional brick and mortar store are fading into antiquity. It seems like every day we’re hearing about retail giants like J.C. Penny’s, Sears, Kmart, Toys R. Us, and others either are either shuttering their stores or going out of business altogether. For those consumers who enjoy heavy doses of nostalgia, it can be a bit depressing to see these retail stores sitting vacant. Most of us can remember when malls were the go-to hangout spot, when we ran rampant with friends, window-shopping and spending hours loitering in food courts. Others can remember lazy Sundays travelling from store to store with our parents to get all of the household necessities. Now, we can get everything delivered through the click of a mouse, a tap on a screen, or even by simply saying it aloud to our smart devices. So what does this evolution mean for consumers? What does it mean for retailers and brands? How can shops keep up with the ever-shifting digital mark