Commerce Now

All Things Connected Commerce



Summary: Devon Watson and Michael Engel discuss all things Connected Commerce. In this episode, both touch on the unparalleled services and technology that are essential to evolve in an 'always on' and changing consumer landscape. Resources:  Blog: Connected Commerce: It’s Not Just for Retailers Exploring the Path to Connected Commerce Advertorial: Michael Engel on COMMERCE NOW (Diebold Nixdorf Podcast)   Diebold Nixdorf Website   Transcription:    Devon Watson:           This is commerce now. My name is Devon Watson, chief marketing officer for Diebold Nixdorf. Really excited this week. We have Michael Engel here with me. We're in Phuket, Thailand, meeting with our Asia Pacific team and talking about all things connected commerce. So Michael, if you could please just give us a quick intro, tell us a little bit about what you do with the company. You and I bumped into each other all over the world. Uh, give us, uh, just kind of quick background, who you are, what you do. Michael Engel: