Commerce Now

Bank Innovation in a Digital Age



Summary: Banks’ investments are leaning heavily toward technology upgrades – especially those that make self-service, digital banking easier for customers, as Karen Webster with discussed in a recent conversation with Diebold Nixdorf Vice President of North America Solutions Heather Gibbins. Resources: Article: Diebold Nixdorf: Why Bank Branches Need to Move Beyond the Transaction Blog: Is Your Bank Embracing These Key Mega Trends  Why Digital Is Important Right Now The Future of Payments is Fast Evolving, but the Direction Might Surprise You How Innovative is Your Banks Culture? COMMERCE NOW (Diebold Nixdorf Podcast)   Diebold Nixdorf Website   Transcription: Amy Lombardo:                00:00                     Hello, and welcome to COMMERCE NOW, your source for emerging trends in the banking and retail industries. Karen Webster:                00:14                     Heather. Thanks for joining me today. I'm looking forward to our conversation about branch automation, migra