Commerce Now

Empower Your Retail Customers



Summary: Listen in as Diebold Nixdorf's Jerry Langfitt and Carl von Sydow, discuss how retailers are empowering their customers to shop and check-out the way they want, faster and without friction. Resources: Transforming Your Retail Business with DN VynamicTM Retail Suite Retail Homepage Join the StorevolutionTM Transcription: Jerry Langfitt:                    Hello, I'm Jerry Langfitt, and I'm your host for this episode of COMMERCE NOW. On today's podcast we welcome Diebold Nixdorf's Carl von Sydow, Director of Self-Service for Retail in the Americas. We will discuss how retailers are empowering their customers to shop and checkout the way they want. Faster, and without friction. Welcome, Carl, it's a pleasure to speak with you today. Carl von Sydow:                Thank you Jerry, the same to you. Jerry Langfitt:                    Before we get moving can you tell us a little bit about your background? Carl von Sydow:                Yeah, well, my background is I've been working with retail for [00:00: