Commerce Now

Cash Recycling: Has Positive Impacts in the Branch Environment



Summary: In this podcast we discuss the utilization of self-service and teller automation technology and the implementation of recycling to drive more efficiency and to improve the overall customer and staff experience. Resources: Self-Service Reloaded Guide Diebold Nixdorf Website Blog: Rethink the ATM-Reload Your Self-Service Strategy Webinar replay COMMERCE NOW pocast website Transcription: Scott Anderson:               Hello. I am Scott Anderson, senior director of Evangelism, and I'm your host for this episode of COMMERCE NOW. On today's podcast, we welcome Diebold Nixdorf's Jim Flannery, global advisor for Banking Channel Transformation and Tim Hoover, principle product manager for System Solutions. We're together today to spend time talking about how cash automation, and in particular, recycling can have positive impacts on today's branch environment. As we all know, the cost and controls around handling cash is a major factor in branch economics. [00:00:30] Tim and Jim have joined me to discuss the u