Commerce Now

Evolving The Operational Model - Software as a Service



Summary:  On this podcast we discuss how to transform from traditional sourcing to an “as a service” economy. Today’s consumers expect “anytime, anywhere” access to the self-service channel, leaving financial institutions with the challenge of optimizing availability without driving up costs. For many FIs, this challenge can quickly become overwhelming.  Resources: Blogs: Banking Innovation: 4 Ways You Can Make a Big Impact Quickly The Growing "XaaS" Service Economy Trend Websites: COMMERCE NOW Diebold Nixdorf Transcription: Amy Lombardo:                00:13                     Hi, this is Amy Lombardo, and I'm your host for this episode of COMMERCE NOW. We're coming to you live from DN Intersect 2019 in Las Vegas. I'm joined today by Homi Karkaria, who is head of our Solutions Group, and he's presenting to our bankers today a topic that's entitled Evolving the Operational Model, which I think is a little intriguing, due to your role in the software market. So let's talk on the topic of software as a serv