Ace The Gram

#115: Want to grow your product sales by 500%? ...Tribe Skincare's founder shares how they did it



This episode with the founder of multi-million dollar skincare brand Tribe Skincare is PACKED with actionable 2021 marketing techniques that will effect your bottom line *Viv was taking notes during this episode it was so good Kayla Houlihan shares the nitty gritty on what has caused 20% growth in her already multimillion dollar skincare brand Tribe and how one of her products sales grew by 500%. Tribe Skincare is 4 years old and has hundreds of thousands of loyal fans across TikTok, Instagram, Pinterest and Facebook. We talked to Kayla in 2018 on Ace the Gram podcast when Tribe was new so we catch up on everything that's happened in the last 3 years Kayla shares: - how rebranding transformed her business- tips, do's and don't for rebranding - how Kayla approaches Instagram differently these days and what role influencer marketing now plays in her biz - Kayla's TikTok strategy and how she's built over 150k followers and created viral videos - Kayla's content strategy - how she gets great content for the vario