Digital Marketing Academy

The Dangers and Consequences of Black Box Algorithms



Algorithm! What is it? You hear this word everyday and everywhere you go. It is what YouTubers blame for their lack of success on YouTube. It is what social media influencers blame for their decreased audience reach on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other social media platforms. It is what marketers blame for their lack of success with google SEO while simultaneously thanking algorithms for marketers targeted success with digital advertising. It is what the Russians used to elect Donald Trump as U.S. President in 2016 by using Facebook User and Advertisement platform. It is what allowed a system called AlphaZero by DeepMind to use algorithms to teach itself chess, shogi, and go games without human beings teaching it anything at all. This AlphaZero system then went on to defeat the world champions in go, shogi, and chess game.Havard Journal of Law and Technology Research Paper: