The Triple Og Podcast!

It Was Number 18! (Freeze Ep.3)



After a 30 day break, we're back with episode 3 of Freeze.  It's time for Ervin to make his move and try to become a part of the DPD. It's the only way to see if his sister is really on the force.  Alexis is his roommate, but I think she may want to be a little bit more, but Ervin doesn't know that she has a crush on him.  She will do whatever it takes to make him happy and to help him.  Lets see what happens next in this new episode.  THIS STORY CONTAINS EXPLICT CONTENT!  All pictures, stats, charts, graphs, clip art, quotes, memes, sports videos, sports clips,(etc) are courtesy of Google Search.  I do not own rights to any items or products not associated with Bobby Dollaz, Tailored Money Clothing Company, Yard-Nvee Lawn Care, Landscaping, & Gardening LLC.  Infamous Records L.L.C or Infamous 314 All rights reserved for "The" Bobby Dollaz Show.  Guest appear as a courtesy with full consent when recorded per video and /or audio. TripleOGStories, #tripleOGstori