Stephen J. Kosmyna

You Can’t Give Away What You Don’t Have



In today's episode I continue to explore Dr. Wayne Dyer's powerful little book titled "10 Secret's for Success and Inner Peace." We're on secret number three in this entry and this is all about what's inside. Truly one of the most important keys to success is being in service to others. In service to others, we have to develop a consciousness of being a giver, and this is where today's lesson / episode comes in. We can't give it away if we don't have it to give in the first place. This is really about frequency and vibration or as Dr. Wayne refers to them, attractor energies. Low energy inside attracts low energy to us from the outside and likewise with high energy. It's like squeezing an orange. You're always going to get orange juice because that's what is inside. We have to take a look at what we have, the energy we are carrying with us on the inside. Anger, unforgiveness, animosity, fear, doubt, worry, shame and guilt are some of the low energy thoughts many people carry with them throughout their life. W