Member Guest

MEMBERS ONLY · Season 2 Finale



Dave, Brendan & Mark bring Season 2 to an exciting close in this "Members Only" season finale. It is a big week for Member Guest as Dave gets his golf swing and more importantly his rain gear ready for the Dunhill Links Championship in Scotland, Brendan is drinking lots of wine as he prepares to defend his back to back wins at The Safeway Open in Napa, and Mark wears an awesome pink jacket. Back at The Bruery, the boys enjoy some tasty beverages and talk Tiger vs. Phil, call some previous guests, and dive deep into some fun fan questions.  A space cat farts rainbows on Dave's shirt, "Steeley" karaokes like a BOSS, and Mark embraces his new nickname "The Sour Flower." All this and much more on SE02 | EP 10 of Member Guest.